J on is one of the lucky people who managed to achieve everything he wanted before the age of thirty. Lucky because by thinking that becoming a professional rugby player was going to make him eternally happy highlighted one of the most common misconceptions of our times: that money, possessions, fame and any other external thing can change us for the better on the inside.

After spending the last six years studying the works of some of the most enlightened people to have lived he discovered some incredible things and now feels it’s his purpose in life to help others feel the inner joy that comes from within, regardless of the external circumstances of our lives. Jon found that the most common teaching throughout history is to be more present and without that no lasting transformation can take place.

Jon has all the necessary qualifications to deliver Personal Training, offer Nutritional advice and teach Mindfulness but his own studies and life experience will ensure that he can offer you so much more. His clients have been getting some incredible results.

Jon has recently completed a course in Mental Health First Aid (MHFA). As a Mental Health First Aider Jon can listen, reassure and respond to people who may be experiencing mental health issues such as depression, anxiety and psychosis. He has in depth skills for providing first aid to people even in a crisis – and can even potentially stop a crisis from happening.

We all have mental health, just as we all have physical health. Mental ill health can strike at any time and can affect people from all walks of life.

If you, or someone else you know, are experiencing mental health issues and think Jon may be able to help please get in touch.

Check out Jon’s website mindfulnessfitness.co.uk for more info about the services he offers.

“Jon is an excellent PT and has really helped me a lot with his sessions, not only physically but mentally he has given me the tools to achieve my goals”


“Thank you Jon for challenging me, for changing the way I approach exercise and for your support. You’ve been a true inspiration and a true friend”


